igor2860Ln security firewall router is introduced and recommended by BizTech recently with the high evaluation.
Vigor 2860Ln is fully equipped, featuring everything that every modern company needs. From VDSL and VPN, to embedded LTE modem.
As far as the Wireless Networking is concerned, it supports 802.11n protocol. It also supports 32 channels VPN, 2 WAN ports, 1 USB and 6 Gigabit Ethernet.
It’s very important to mention that it supports Internet access by multiple concurrent connections (VDSL2,Ethernet,4G).It also features SPI firewall, offering application control plus web filtering depending on the content. The rich features of this model do not stop here: Except for the 32 VPN channel support, it is also capable of managing 16 SSL VPN’s, whereas it’s IPV6 ready and can manage 20 AP’s.
Very Simple Installation
The installation of 2860 Ln is being made very easily: The friendly use and comprehensible Web Wizard guides the user step by step throughout the installation, from the Internet Connection Setup to the VPN and Wireless ones. Also, the routing and load balancing policies allow the user to define the traffic origin source, the destinations, the ports or the main Wan Connection.
SPI Firewall is enabled by default, as well as the protection against Dos attacks, and uses special filters to manage the network traffic. Those filters are flexible and each one of them includes special rules which are related to specific traffic direction, by implementing a WAN Policy or assigning priorities (QoS). The website filtering is being achieved by the Cyren Web Content Filter service.
Other Features
The features of 2860Ln are so many, that it’s practically impossible all of them to be mentioned within this article. Starting from the Wifi, we previously mentioned that it supports 2.4GHz 802.11n protocol. However, it provides 4 SSID’s, each one of them can have its own setup. This is very important as the administrator can define each SSID’s role inside the corporate network. For example, the users connected to SSID1 can only have access to the ERP, whereas SSID2 is for the Internet access.
The USB port in the front of the router can be used to connect an external storage device by supporting SMB network protocol and FTP for creating a personal cloud storage space.
In conclusion, 2860Ln isn’t the cheapest SMR router of the market, but you will hardly find a router with so many features and functions. The VPN features are exemplary and you save a lot of time as the configuration isn’t complex. Concurrent access through different protocols is being offered( IPsec/PPTP/L2TP) and the communication is encrypted with the most powerful market standards(AES/DES/3DES).