OpenVPN from Android Smart VPN Client to Vigor Router

Android Smart VPN Client now supports OpenVPN protocol. This document will demonstrate how to setup OpenVPN from Android Smart VPN Client to Vigor Router.

Vigor Router

  1. Go to VPN and Remote Access >> Remote Access Control and make sure that OpenVPN Service is enabled.
  2. Create a remote dial-in profile:
    Go to VPN and Remote Access >> Remote Dial-in User, click on an available index to edit the profile.
  3. Edit the profile as follows:
    1. Check Enable
    2. For Allowed dial-in type, enable OpenVPN tunnel
    3. Give an Username and Password
    4. Click OK to save
  4. Confirm the time is correct on the router by going to System Maintenance >> Time and Date page.
  5. Go to VPN and Remote Access >> Open VPN >> OpenVPN Server Setup page.
    1. Enable TCP Mode or UDP Mode which depends on the protocol you would like to use for OpenVPN connections.
    2. Customize the TCP Port and UDP Port if you want.
  6. Generate Certificates.
    1. Choose Router generated certificates.
    2. Click Generate.
    3. Click OK.
  7. Go to VPN and Remote Access >> Open VPN >> Client Config page.
    1. Choose the WAN inetrface that allows OpenVPN connection
    2. Select the Protocol you would like to use
    3. Give a Config File Name
    4. Click Export to save the VPN Config File and send it to the OpenVPN client device
  8. Go to Certificate >> Local Service List page and check if openvpn server certificate is applied to OpenVPN Service.

Connecting OpenVPN from Android Smart VPN Client

  1. Create a new VPN profile.
  2. Edit the profile as follows:
    1. Enter the Description
    2. Select OpenVPN as VPN Type
    3. Import the OpenVPN Config File exported from Vigor Router
    4. Enter the Username and Password
    5. Click Save
  3. Dial up the connection.
    • Smart VPN client will redirect you to download OpenVPN for Android if you haven’t installed this app yet.
    • If your OpenVPN for Android version is 0.7.30 or above, it will meet compatibility issue with Vigor Router. Please go to OpenVPN for Android App >> SETTINGS, enable the OpenVPN 3 core option to improve the compatibility issue.

Published On:2022-09-27 

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