Traditionally, many business applications were hosted on private servers located in the company's headquarters, and the use of MPLS to route all network traffic to the central site made this model highly efficient.
However, as more and more companies adopt SaaS and private/public cloud applications,
new technologies are needed to efficiently and dynamically route network traffic to
the central site or directly to the cloud.
SD-WAN is the solution to simplify this complex routing scheme. In addition to
traditional load balancing and failover functions, SD-WAN improves user experience
by specifically targeting interface and application quality.
Based on the Interface quality, SD-WAN intelligently assign the best-quality WAN for VoIP traffics. So whenever making a new call, SD-WAN makes sure you are calling via the best WAN.
Although already sending via best-quality WAN, SD-WAN still keep monitoring on each live
call, and failover to secondary VoIP WAN if still meeting poor call quality.
Every call is logged with MOS score and sent Interface for Network Admin’s reference.
In-depth application insights with ranking by application and user ranking
SD-WAN provides complete routing control by allowing Network Admin to specify the desired route for selected applications/domains to make sure the specific routing scenarios can be accomplished.
Failover to another interface when original interface offline,
and failback when possible.
The matched sessions can be NATed or Routed, all under your control. Specially useful if having
private/MPLS WAN (requires routed) and direct Internet access (required NATed) at the same time.
In the following scenario, by creating 2 policies to different destinations, VoIP (SIP/RTP) from the
same IP phone in branch office can be routed via MPLS WAN when calling the other IP phone in HQ, and
NATed via 2nd WAN
to the Internet directly.