Restore SQL File to VigorACS Database

This document demonstrates how to restore the backup SQL file to the database of VigorACS on Windows platform and Linux platform. Since the column and tables might be different for each version, please make sure the current ACS version is the SAME as the version where we backup the SQL file.

an illustration of Vigor ACS 2 and database

Windows Platform

  1. Go to the path {ACS Installed path}\bin\acs_util\dbutil\BackupRestoreScript\Windows to find the file "backupconfig_windows.txt".

    a screenshot of Windows file manager
  2. Edit the file backupconfig_windows.txt :

    • USERNAME: Input the MySQL account to access the database. If you install the MariaDB from VigorACS installed package, the default account should be root.
    • PASSWORD: Type the password of MySQL account to access the database.
    • Database path: Specify the correct path of MariaDB bin folder.
    a screenshot of the text file
  3. Run the Command Prompt as administrator and change the path to current path {Installed path}\VigorACS\dbutil\BackupRestoreScript\Windows.
    Use the batch file mysqlrestore.bat and add the SQL file (including path) for running database restore by command
    # mysqlrestore.bat C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\EMS\sql-backup\backup_backup_ACS_3.1.0RC5_r2687_FullVer_2021-06-03.1051.sql
    You will see the message Restore process is finished. Please restart ACS service and check it after restore process is completed.

    Note: If the backup SQL file path contains space, please quote the SQL file in the command, e.g.
    # mysqlrestore.bat "C:\Program Files\mysqlbackup\backup_backup_ACS_3.1.0RC5_r2687_FullVer_2021-06-03.1051.sql"
    a screenshot of command prompt

Linux Platform

1. Go to the path /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin/acs_util/dbutil/BackupRestoreScript/Linux to find the file "backupconfig.txt"

a screenshot of Linux CLI

2. Edit the file backupconfig.txt :

a screenshot of Linux CLI

3. Use the shell file and add the SQL file (including path) for running database restore by command
# /home/mysql_backup/backup_restore_ACS_3.6.3_r6143_ExcludeSyslogAndLogVer_2024-10-14.1610.sql
You will see the message Restore process is finished. Please restart ACS service and check it after restore process completed

a screenshot of Linux CLI

Published On:2018-12-26 

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