How to recover my Vigor Router when it stops responding?

There are some situations that the router may be inaccessible. Sometimes the router is busy with other tasks, the WUI service stopped accidentally, or the firmware on the router is damaged. Below are some solutions to recover the router.

Issue: HTTP server failure
Solution: Cold Boot

If the LAN clients can still access the internet and the router still provides services, then the cause might be the failure of the router's local HTTP server. We can try to execute a cold boot to solve this. Find the power switch of your router, turn it off and wait for a few seconds, then turn it on again.

If you still cannot access the router, then it could be the firmware damage.

Issue: Firmware damage
Solution: Upload the firmware via TFTP

In the normal state, the router's ACT LED blinks approximately once per second. If its LEDs lit in a strange pattern, for instance, the ACT LED is constantly, on or it keeps cycling through all the LED, this is probably an indication of firmware damaged. This might happened after a failed or disrupted firmware upgrade, and usually, we can recover the router by re-flash firmware via TFTP. To do this, see Upload Firmware to the Router via TFTP for the instructions. Remember it needs to upload the .rst file for recovering the router, and please note that the .rst file will reset your router to factory default.

After the firmware re-flash and router reboots, if the ACT LED blinks approximately once per second, this shows that the router has returned to the normal state, and it will be accessible again on

Contact Support Team

Please contact our support team via [email protected] if the router still not returns to the normal condition after trying the above methods. Don't forget to let us know the actions you've tried and the results. It will help us investigate the situation sooner.

Published On:2016-10-26 

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