VigorACS 2 users are offered to upgrade to VigorACS 3. The database of VigorACS 3 is compatible with that of VigorACS 2, so we can keep all your data after updating. If we still have an unexpired license of VigorACS 2, we can convert the remaining license to VigorACS 3 manually on MyVigor.
Note :Once install VigorACS 3, we cannot downgrade to VigorACS 2.
Note :VigorACS 3 must use MariaDB 10+ version.
This document demonstrates how to upgrade VigorACS 2 to VigorACS 3 on Windows.
1. Backup the database
The database will remain after the upgrade; however, we still strongly recommend to backup the database of VigorACS 2 before you start. Please refer to this article to see how to back up the database.
2-a. Install the VigorACS 3. Run setup.exe at path: \ACS\ACS. Choose Local Database and click Next.
2-b. Choose the path to the directory of MySQL.
2-c. Choose Upgrade.
2-d. Enter the MariaDB root password which specified on VigorACS 2. Click Check Password.
2-e. Choose the path to the directory of influxdb.
2-f. Set the memory that ACS 3 program can use.
Note: Max. memory should not exceed 3/8 of total system memory.
2-g. Setup VigorACS 3 HTTP and HTTPS port, we suggest using other ports instead of default 80 and 443 port to prevent port conflicts.
2-h. Setup VigorACS 3 STUN and Syslog port.
2-i. Select the JBOSS Configuration: It is recommended to use the standalone.xml for security and compatibility.
2-j. Choose the ACS 3 home path for storing the CPEs' backup config, provisioning profile.
2-k. Check Allow VigorACS access through Windows Firewall.
2-l. Select Automatically close the applications.
2-m. Wait for installing.
2-n. Check Launch Vigor ACS and click Finish.
3-a. Launch a browser and type the IP or the domain name of the PC with the port number specified in the URL, then you'll see the login page. Then type the username and password to login.
3-b. Click Activate. The browser will redirect to MyVigor website.
4-a. Login to MyVigor account.(Same account which used to register ACS 2.)
4-b. Type the Device Name and click Submit.
5-a. Click Upgrade ACS2 to ACS3.
5-b. Choose an ACS2 server. Click Continute.
5-c. Click Upgrade to ACS3.
5-d. Click Activate Now.
5-e. Click Login to ACS. Then Login.
Now, we could enjoy the new VigorACS 3!
Published On:2021-06-22
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