Knowledge Base | Firewall & Content Filtering

-  Secure the NAT Port Redirection connections by Port Knocking
-  Vigor2136 Firewall Configuration Guide for Beginners
-  Allow Internet access for certain LAN clients only
-  Blocking DoH (DNS over HTTPS) by Vigor Router
-  Force LAN Clients to use Bing and DuckDuckGo SafeSearch
-  How to access remote VPN network without login in User-Based mode
-  The difference between Rule-Based and User-Based Policy
-  Why UDP services like IPsec, DNS, VoIP disturbed by Vigor Router?
-  How to use APP Enforcement?
-  How to enable firewall during working hours?
-  Use Firewall in User-Based mode with a RADIUS server
-  Mapping alias IP addresses to different internal servers
-  Use URL Filter with Exception List
-  Block Facebook by APP Enforcement
-  Add a LAN IP Address to DMZ
-  Create Firewall rules to restrict LAN to WAN access to specific countries by using country codes
-  Block Social Networking Websites by Web Content Filter
-  Finding Out the URL Keyword to Block
-  Blocking Windows Updates
-  Apply Firewall Rule to individual accounts in User-Based mode
-  Force LAN Clients to use YouTube in Restricted Mode
-  Force LAN Clients to use Google Safesearch
-  Use DNS Filter and local DNS server at the same time
-  Block most of the websites except for a few only
-  Introduction to Firewall Content Security Management
-  Enable ALG (Application Layer Gateway) on Vigor Router
-  Block FTP Service by Firewall
-  Changing the WCF Service Provider
-  Server Load Balancing by Vigor3900
-  Block Facebook Games Only
-  Difference between DMZ Host and DMZ Subnet
-  Differences among Port Redirection, Open Ports and DMZ
-  Restrict Internet access for time intervals (For Vigor3900/2960)
-  How Firewall Filter Rules Work
-  Redirect FTP Traffic to an Internal Server
-  Redirect VoIP Traffic to a SIP server on LAN
-  Block YouTube Service for All the LAN Clients
-  Blocking a Website by URL Content Filter and DNS Filter
-  Use Vigor3900/2960 to block Youtube for some of LAN clients only
-  How to use Session Limit
-  How to prevent smart phones from surfing the Internet from Vigor3900/2960?
-  Activate the Free Trial License for WCF Service
-  Redirect HTTPS Requests to an Internal Server
-  Difference between DNS Filter Profile and DNS Filter Local Setting
-  Find out which websites are visited by the LAN clients
-  How to use QQ Filter of Vigor3900
-  Use Open Port to access a LAN server from the Internet
-  Use Port Redirection to access a LAN server from the Internet
-  VPN Pass-Through Setup